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Personal Training at DC YKV

Derek Chow will work one-on-one with you to create a plan that works best for you and only you! With extensive training experience as an Athlete and in-depth knowledge of the Human Body, Human Physiology, and Human Anatomy as an RMT, Derek has an array of training methods to not only enable you to accomplish, but exceed your Lifestyle and Fitness Goals.

Strength Training

Flexibility Training


Core work

Balance and Co-ordination

Agility work


High Intensity Interval Training

Derek's October Fitness Challenge

High Intensity Interval Training Bootcamp

10 # of Exercises
20 Secs ON
10 Secs REST
6 Rounds

Level 1

Level 2

1. Walking on the Spot
2. Jumping Jacks (Half)
3. Skater Jumps (Narrow)
4. Mountain Climbers
5. Butt Kickers
6. Half Squat + Side Steps
7. Burpees
8. Knee-Ups
9. Side Reaches
10. Split Shuffles

1. Sprints (On the Spot)
2. Jumping Jacks (Full)
3. Skater Jumps
4. Mountain Climbers
5. Butt Kickers
6. Squats
7. Burpees
8. Running Knee-Ups
9. Speed Punches
10. Reverse Lunges

Level 3 

1. Sprints (High Knees)
2. Star Bursts
3. Skater Jumps (Wide)
4. Mountain Climbers (Fast)
5. Butt Kickers (Fast)
6. Jump Squats
7. Burpees (w. Push Ups)
8. Running Knee-Ups (Fast)
9. Speed Punches (w. High/Low)
10. Super Marios

1. Walking on the Spot

Demos - How to perform each exercise

1. Sprints (On the Spot)

2. Jumping Jacks (Half)

3. Skater Jumps (Narrow)

2. Jumping Jacks (Full)

3. Skater Jumps

4. Mountain Climbers

5. Butt Kickers

4. Mountain Climbers

5. Butt Kickers

6. Half Squats + Side Steps

7. Burpees

8. Running Knee-Ups

6. Squats

7. Burpees

8. Running Knee-Ups

9. Side Reaches

10. Split Shuffles

9. Speed Punches

10. Reverse Lunges

1. Sprints (High Knees)

2. Star Bursts

3. Skater Jumps (Wide)

4. Mountain Climbers (Fast)

5. Butt Kickers (Fast)

6. Jump Squats

7. Burpees (w. Push Ups)

8. Running Knee-Ups (Fast)

9. Speed Punches (High/Low)

10. Super Marios

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